香烟 抽烟 儿自 生育 怀孕

  • 抽烟不生儿子





        该研究指出, 如果父母都抽烟, 那么生儿子的几率降低50%。这个由利物浦热带医学院所提出的报告还称,  吸烟还可以增加流产的几率。该研究指出, 香烟中罕有的尼古丁等物质会抑制精子从受精卵中携带男性染色体。


        …. 想要宝贝丫头的同志们, 赶紧抽烟吧!

       Study links smoking to female offspring 

       The Independent reported on the study, which suggests that having a male baby drops by as much as 50 percent if the parents are both smokers.

    The research, done by pediatricians at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, also suggests smoking raises the chances of a miscarriage. Researchers reportedly found that substances contained in cigarettes, such as nicotine, inhibit sperm carrying male chromosomes from fertilizing eggs.

    The study looked at 9,000 women who gave birth between 1998 and 2003 at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. The Independent reported that the study also found that women who were exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy were also less likely to give birth to male infants.

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