
  • 六月二三事






    Tired Heart。

  • 心情好,给你们讲个爱情故事吧







    从前有个卖南瓜的姑娘得了灰指甲, 所以人们都管她叫灰姑娘。


    有一天灰姑娘去参加圣诞Party, 捡了一双水晶鞋,





    … 讲完故事, 我发现, 灰姑娘是个多么恋足的故事啊!

  • 厄..向你致敬向你致敬~


    阳光明媚, 爷很开心!=^_^=

    眼睛瞪的象铜铃 黑猫警长~Dreamility
    森林公民向你致敬 向你致敬。
    森林公民向你致敬 向你致敬。
    森林公民向你致敬 向你致敬向你致敬。

  • 长春了



         凉凉的空气, 新鲜的呼吸 凌晨4点, 长春了。蹦蹦嗒嗒的朋友们, 美酒 还有属于童年的姑娘们。1个月生活在京城, 真是个充满烦恼的城市。

         其实旧时候在学校, 也经常会跑去北京, 多数都是好印象。深蓝色的夜晚, 03年的十 一沿街找电话厅, 给那个兰州的姑娘打电话。航天桥的麦当劳, 和webto还有包子3个人要一杯咖啡, 下雨天逛ikea。和交大的那个女孩儿那么简单走在路上, 希望路永远走不完。在长安街树下的长椅上听着音乐度过一个夜晚, 闭上眼睛听来往的车辆,好像在海边听潮水。凌晨2点跑去王府井大街胡同里的酒吧, 和酒吧的歌手一起唱夜夜夜夜, 然后喝醉。与猪还有webto的几次宿醉, 男孩女孩的纯汁捷克丹尼, 韩国酒馆, 我和webto在酒吧门口不停的吐。烤肉馆里认识了唐朝老五, 然后大半夜奔回天津。和大学里的好朋友凌晨5点奔北京, 从清华学生会喝到理工学生会, 晚上在mix喝到凌晨, 第二天去首师大和北师大喝酒,迷迷糊糊开会..。还有去年的流行音乐节, Placebo, You are my sunshine, 10 月的Lacrimosa 与18还有花儿他们逃票, 那个疯狂的晚上和流浪的白天。当然更少不了和傻小孩儿那个7月..。都是很好的记忆。

         现在的北京却充满烦恼, 并不是那时候的北京。我也不是那时候的我了。这一个月, 真有点折腾。把自己藏在衬衫里, 回到房子换掉整齐的衣裳, 抽了很多烟, 生活上..有点不正常了。生活总要继续下去, 那天还再说, 我这个人太怀旧了, 想当然的认定幸福总属于旧的时光。在现实面前, 总要打碎好的东西, 人会成长, 不能总穿旧衣裳。故事线索太多, 看看别人的世界, 自己的还算好。

        房子的事情总算定下来了, 对于以后的生活多了很多想象。当天下午和头头打了会儿海战, 隧离京。火车上到处都是人, 很烦, 抽烟都没个地方, 到了家心情好多了。垃圾下午跑到我家楼下, 俩人喝酒, 聊着聊着就乐了..遇到了差不多的事情, 戏剧效果一下就出来了。晚上开我爸车, 喝点酒反映有点慢, 左脚踩离合然后就捉摸, 脚底下怎么仨呢… 之后我爸不让开了_-_。第二天和二姑娘在-m-门口看到年轻的流浪艺人, 我给了他们身上大把的零钱。俩穿婆婆烂烂的小孩儿在旁边卖艺, 旁边就是-m-给一帮小朋友举行的活动, 对照鲜明。我心里乐, 大街上捡一讽刺。后来遇到18和垃圾, 去宝丽金一顿淘碟, 我整了几张live。18送垃圾一大包Aerosmith。之后和webto还有朱世仁打海战, 赢了。

       过两天又得回去了, 一转眼的事。希望那个地方,除了烦恼再给些别的吧, 最简单的, 希望自己不再陷入乱糟糟的事情, 如果深陷, 也希望不要那么成人和冷漠, 至少美好些吧。也希望在长春这个地方, 那些人物和那些地点, 帮我保留着我的单纯。


  • [friend link]LK – 寻找Canon in D







          以后加新的Friend Link都做一下介绍,这是这个idea的1st  instance。

          先说说LK这个人。LK也者, 熊猫是也!高中的时候因为参加NOI认识的朋友, 高中同学, 我在1班他在7班, 老21度的id是lkrich7。后来一起参加省选, 去NOI, NOIp。后来我保送到天津了, 他保送到了北京。LK == 熊猫不仅是因为长得像, 而且人很好, 感觉怎么搓摩都不会生气那种=D。很多年没见了也不知道变什么样了。

          发现他这个blog是因为看到Dreamility的反向link, 后来意识到应该把他加上。LK的blog叫寻找Canon in D, 并不是要寻找D版佳能。碰巧我去年年末练了一阵Jerry C 的Canon rock, 发现LK 的blog上面更全, 各种Canon in D的知识与..八卦~, 还有各种版本的Canon in D。因为本人也是Pachelbel的Fans, 也特别爱听Canon in D major, 所以对LK的这个blog还是非常赞的!

          顺便说一下Canon in D和Pachelbel。Canon 这个东西太数学了, 总觉得是数学美学的音乐体现, Pachelbel是巴赫前最伟大的管风琴家, Canon in D major是1680-1690年的作品, 如果自然, 数学公式般的理性编排, 复调音乐之经典之作。

          每次听Canon in D major, 心情平静得可以不带任何情绪, 坐禅一样。关于Canon in D, 更多的可以去看LK 的blog。btw/ LK你那个background music 弄得我不能安心看你blog上的youtube …-_____-。

        寻找Canon in Dhttp://blog.canonind.cn/

  • 网易太2了。



    然后看我相册的原图地址页面 http://photo.163.com/photos/frcat/43066447/1154084187/


  • 死去的时光, 野孩子






       中午在北航吃的饭, 回到公司, 看了网上一个朋友的摄影, 忽然就很有想表达的冲动。

       可以一眼看出, 那是学生时代的作品, 至少属于那两个字 叫做青春。然后翻了翻自己的相册, 翻看原来那些拍摄的片段, 做了短暂凌乱的思考。我们这些不想把摄影当作职业和生活的拍摄者, 为什么要去拍摄呢? 表达。

       那些光线,影子甚至画框里的人物,记载的是无法拼凑完成的青春。青春像地下铁的车窗, 到了一站, 又到了另一站。回到最初那站的时候发现什么都变了, 自己也变了。公司离大学很近, 每天经历这种恍惚, 但是人不能永远停在一个时间, 只能带有伤感的往前走。

      为什么渴望家呢, 因为家的变化少。家里是熟悉的巢穴,有熟悉的人,此生可以一直保有的东西。不像上学要毕业,上班要跳槽。但是人还是要变的啊, 年少总会衰老。个中的滋味, 也只有影像能记载。那些逝去的, 死掉的时间。

      年轻的时候总有冲动会做一件轰轰烈烈的事情, 可是偶尔的片刻烟草燃烧, 伤感过后, 想。如果有一个地方, 每天对他都有期待。如果有一个人, 能给你最舒适安全的感觉, 完全为你思考, 可以称之为幸福。

      其实我们都是野孩子, 男人猫。

  • 特别声明







  • YOSHIKI’s biography


    Yoshiki was born on November 20th, 1965 in Chiba, Japan. His mother happened to be a piano teacher, and he started to learn piano at the age of 5. He also started to play drums when he was 10. He and Toshi met each other in kindergarten. After Yoshiki’s father died, he became a bit of a troublemaker.

    In 1982, at end of high school, Yoshiki formed X Japan with Toshi. Back then, no label wanted to risk signing X; however, Yoshiki’s mother believed in him and sold the family business which enabled Yoshiki to found Extasy Records. The formation of Extasy Records allowed X to release their first record. In 1988, he had already signed 2 other artists.


    Yoshiki has a wide interest in music. He started off as classical pianist, then started to learn drums and became interested in hard rock. That’s what reflects in X Japan’s music, a “symphonic rock orchestra”. Yoshiki was the leader of X, playing both piano and drums and writing most of the songs–for example: Forever Love, Tears, Endless Rain, Say Anything…

    During concerts Yoshiki switched between drums and piano. When there was no time for that during one song, he pre-recorded the piano or drum track. Due to his energetic drumming he had several neck injuries and had to wear a neck corsage to protect his neck after he was seriously injured during a concert.

    He not only plays piano and drums, but also guitar and bass. According to him, he never wanted to sing because his voice is not good enough.

    During his time with X Japan he already worked on solo projects such as:

    V2 with Tetsuya Komuro from the band Globe in 1991, they released the single “Eyes of Venus”.


    “Eternal Melody” with the London Philharmonic orchestra and George Martin (Beatles) in 1993. The album Eternal Melody includes adoptions from X Japan songs and also “Amethyst”, a wonderful classical piece that was also released as single.

    In 1994 he worked together with Roger Taylor (the drummer from Queen) and released the single “Foreign Sand” which was a big hit in the UK.

    Yoshiki also put together 2 compilations called “Yoshiki Selection”. On both compilations, you can hear his favorite classic music pieces from famous composers.

    On the “Kiss My Ass – a Tribute to Kiss” compilation, he adapted the song “Black Diamond” for piano and orchestra.
    After many successful years, X Japan disbanded in 1997 when Toshi left the band. After the dissolution from X Japan, Toshi and Yoshiki went their separate ways.

    Yoshiki had plans to reform X Japan with hide, but after hide’s death in May 1998 those plans were shattered. After hide’s memorial where Yoshiki held a speech, he withdrew from public and moved back to LA. Eventually, he went back to work as producer and songwriter for his very successful label Extasy Records, with bands such as Dir En Grey, Glay, Kiedney Thieves and Abandoned Pools.

    In November 1999 Yoshiki had his first appearance again. He performed the song Anniversary at a festival to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Emperor’s enthronement.

    In 2000, 7-Eleven Japan asked Yoshiki to produce a series of TV commercials incorporating his solo project Violet UK into their corporate image for the new millennium.

    Yoshiki was asked to compose the theme song (I’ll Be Your Love, sung by Dahlia) for the Aichi Expo 2005 in April 2002, and in September 2002 he joined the band Globe (Seize The Light got released on November 27th).

    In December 2002, Yoshiki was back on stage presenting his new project Violet UK. He gave a concert together with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. It was a musical journey through his works from the past with X Japan with a glance into the future with his new project Violet UK. Yoshiki presented together with the vocalist of Violet UK songs that were never heard before. The concert was held in Tokyo at the Tokyo International Forum.

    2004, Yoshiki started to produce a new band from Korea, called the Trax.

    Eternal Melody II and the DVD from the "Yoshiki Symphonic Concert" got released on the 30th March 2004.

  • 任何事情就像生孩子一样  如果你还没有想好怎么养活这个小累赘
    如果不小心生了一个, 也不要再虎超超的生出第二个来
    因为要么是戏剧, 要么是悲剧, 要么是二流情景喜剧, 情景悲剧。
    如果接二连三的生, 那就是黑色幽默啦!

    生命诞生那一刻固然美妙, 但是生命的过程确实苦难重重,
    关键是 生命总有一天会终止。可以说出生那一天就决定了死亡。

    这一下子 就失衡了, 用政府的话说, 很不和谐。


     因为你对孩子是有爱的, 对每一个你创造的可延续的浪漫与奇迹, 都是有责任的。
